French Broad Food Co+Op

(828)255-7650 | Directions
Open Daily 8AM – 8PM

90 Biltmore Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801
Open Daily 8AM to 8PM

Easy Gift Idea: DIY Lip Balm

Making your own lip balm is beyond easy. In a matter of minutes, you can craft a few tubes to give as gifts (and one to keep for pampering yourself). What makes DIY lip balm so great? Not only can you make it just the way you like it, you can control the ingredients and use simple, natural ones — no petroleum found here! You should be able to find most of the supplies you need for this project in the co-op’s health and body care section, or online in larger quantities. A local craft store is a good place to look for tins and tubes to hold the finished product. To make the balm, follow this general recipe, and customize to your tastes from there. We’ve included a few of our favorite scent combos for inspiration.

Lip Balm Recipe
Makes four ½ oz. tubes

1 tablespoon beeswax pearls
(or grated, unbleached beeswax)
1 tablespoon shea butter
2 tablespoons carrier oil
(sunflower, castor, almond or jojoba) 10 – 15 drops essential oil
1 teaspoon honey (optional)

1. Melt beeswax, shea butter and oil together in a small bowl in the microwave. Or use a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl over simmering water.
2. Stir until ingredients are liquid, then add essential oils and optional honey. Mix well.
3. Transfer to a large eyedropper, syringe, or container with a spout, and divide liquid among four ½ ounce lip balm tins, jars or tubes.