French Broad Food Co+Op

(828)255-7650 | Directions
Open Daily 8AM – 8PM

90 Biltmore Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801
Open Daily 8AM to 8PM

Expansion Update

Expansion continues! We’re on to the next phase, phase two of four. If you haven’t been by the store in a while, come visit and see our newly expanded retail space (phase 1)! We spent the Winter and Spring building on the existing building and growing our retail footprint. This next phase includes extensive repair and updates to the warehouse and store. We’ll finally be repairing and painting the exterior of the main store; it’s been a long couple decades in varying shades of yellow. We think you’ll LOVE the new color!

Did you know our buildings are 115 years old? A lot can change in that length of time. Age, materials, durability, and exposure to the elements has left us with buckling walls, patched and leaky roofs, old and malfunctioning equipment, structural limitations, and deteriorating brick. Additions were built onto the buildings in ways that aren’t considered safe as we grow larger and will need to be removed. We are thrilled to save our beautiful, old buildings, and doing so (while staying open) will take strategy and time.

Ultimately, we’ll build behind us and connect the two large buildings and triple in size, redoing andexpanding parking as we grow.

Here’s the scoop:

Timeline: we’ll begin this Fall and finish next Fall.

What it cost: $1M

Where the $ is sourced: Reserves and an 825k loan against our previously debt free buildings.

Things to look forward to:
• More coolers, more aisles, more products.
• New roof, new paint, more insulation, repaired historic windows.
• A new, large commercial kitchen and expanded breakfast and lunch options.
• A bigger bulk room with more environmentally savvy products and a level floor.
• New worker space, office space, bathrooms, skylights, lighting, and more!

Don’t worry, the interruptions will be minimal, and we will remain open and operating the entire time. We are also offering online shopping and curbside pickup to make it easier for customers to remain safe while accessing their favorite foods and supplies.

Thank you for your ongoing support and patience throughout the pandemic and our expansion. We are stronger together and are excited to enter this next phase.

The Co+op team