French Broad Food Co+Op

(828)255-7650 | Directions
Open Daily 8AM – 8PM

90 Biltmore Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801
Open Daily 8AM to 8PM

100% Organic Produce Department

The Produce Department of the French Broad Food Co-op offers exclusively organically grown produce. The vast majority of both our local and non-local produce is Certified Organic. If it’s not Certified Organic, you can be sure that it is organically grown — and that it was grown by a farm within 150 miles from FBFC (most of the time much closer to home than that). In this way we encourage a way of growing food that uses no chemicals, of transporting food that covers less distance, and of eating and enjoying food that was grown by members of our local community.

When you shop the Produce Department at FBFC you are supporting a healthy body, a healthy local community and economy, and a healthy environment.

To contact our Produce Manager, email