French Broad Food Co+Op

(828)255-7650 | Directions
Open Daily 8AM – 8PM

90 Biltmore Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801
Open Daily 8AM to 8PM

Why Food Co-ops?

Co-ops are a great place to shop for fresh, delicious, local food. But they’re much more than that. Co-ops are owned by the people that shop there and owners have a say in the co-op’s business decisions. This democratic approach is just one of the many ways food co-ops are making the world a better place. 

A co-op is a business voluntarily owned by the people who use it and operated for the benefit of its owners. Owners pool resources to bring about results that are unobtainable by one person alone. These owner-owned, owner-governed businesses operate according to common principles agreed upon by the international cooperative community.

Click here for more information about
food Co-ops on Co-op Stronger Together.