Happy 2025! The holiday season has come to an end and we are all feeling the cold winter weather that has settled in. I see a lot of folks, usually the day after Christmas, dive into gardening and planning. Antsy to plant seeds and for warm weather. I’m never ready for that. Maybe it is the general busy-ness that comes with the years end, but I like the slow(er) time between the holidays and spring. Time to rest and vision. Staying cozy, making soup, reading tons of books. It is nice to rest and reflect. To feed the birds and critters in the woods, make sure the crows and chickadees have fresh water. Simple acts. It is such a rare thing to have a slower pace of life these days. I find it necessary to recharge and be rested for the busy months of spring and summer. I hope that you all find solace this winter and enjoy whatever brings you joy and rest. Even if it is heading to a tropical climate to avoid the cold.
If you are interested in overall Winter Skin Care, please come out to my winter skin class on Wednesday Jan 15th from 5-7pm (weather pending).
- Bulk Irish Breakfast- a favorite since childhood! Add a bit of cream and sugar and it is bliss
- Bulk Dobra Tea- their Lapsang Souchon is delightful and smoky
- Organic India Tulsi Rose- heart nourishing and delicious
- Republic of Teas’ Saffron Rose- exotic and delicious
- Traditional Medicinals’ Dandelion Probiotic Chai- Nicely spiced and warming

Sadly, we just found that John Masters Hair care is no longer. They were one of the only salon quality hair and skin care lines that were organic. The past few years have been hard on natural hair care. We lost the long term health food staple brand, Nature’s Gate. Several other lines went mainstream or also folded. I am working on bringing in a few new lines including a Georgia based line- Kerotin. Their line includes collagen based shampoos and conditioners, Hair growth vitamins, and volumizers. Another hair care line that is on the way is Under Luna, a California based hair care line that is super clean and in glass pump jars. Keep an eye out for that. I have expanded Sow the Magic’s line, a local (Fairview based) line of bath luxuries. They have a wonderful selection of fun products geared towards valentines day, including heart shaped bath clay pops and a rose quartz elixir. These are great gift ideas for not only your sweetheart, but for yourself. Winter luxury baths are so soothing this time of year. Winter time skin care is so important. Our skin can really show the effects of cold, harsh winds and drying heat sources.
Weleda’s Skin Food- In regular or light, a wonderfully nourishing cream for face and body. This one is good to keep in your purse for dry hands or face.
In a stand mixer, or with a hand mixer, begin whipping the shea butter until light and fluffy. Slowly add your oil of choice until you get the consistency that you like and add in essential oils. You can also add vitamin e oil if you would like.

Maggie’s Organic Socks are back for the cold weather. Both cotton and wool.
I hope you all keep warm and safe this winter, with a storm on the horizon, I am wishing you endless cups of tea, warm slippers, and a good book or two.
French Broad Food Co-op
90 Biltmore Ave.
Asheville, NC 28801